Maitland Ward Doesn’t Think Donald Trump Would Be Good For Porn Industry
Maitland Ward says she doesn’t think a second Donald Trump presidency will benefit the porn industry … ’cause he’s got the religious right on his side — and, they’re notoriously anti-porn.
We talked to the sitcom-star-turned-porn-star Saturday about the upcoming election … asking her how she felt about others in the adult film industry saying they were voting for DJT because he will help the adult industry.
Maitland says she’s not sure what those people are talking about … ’cause many of Trump supporters are God-fearing people who look down on the porn industry — so, he’s not likely to do porn stars a ton of favors.
MW says she sees the economic argument — with some saying Trump’s better at handling the country’s financial situation than Kamala Harris. But, Maitland thinks the industry’s doing well … adding she’s in a great place moneywise.
Ward acknowledges not everyone has as much cash as her, and they need groceries and housing costs to come down … but, she says anyone in the industry who’s claiming to be felling the pinch might be overstating it a bit.
That said, Ward’s biggest issue of importance isn’t the economy … but, instead it’s abortion rights — saying she knew she wouldn’t vote Trump after the conservative judges he appointed to the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.
As you know … Richelle Ryan said she thought Trump would be good for the industry ’cause he’d be good for the overall economy — explaining as the money flows it’ll go straight from porn viewers into porn stars’ pockets.
She did end her comments by saying Donald could “grab me by the p***y” … so, she was pretty serious about her Trump love. Maitland, however, ain’t pro-MAGA.
BTW … Maitland makes it clear she’s got some liberal views but she’s not as far left as some might believe — explaining the only area in her life where she goes to extremes is sex work!
The election’s on Tuesday … and, Maitland seems to think sex workers should vote blue!
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